Tuesday 8 January 2013

Operation Transformation

Well last night we had it for real in Wicklow Town. Tonight we have the glammed up made for TV version. Over three hundred people turned up at the Grand Hotel to register, weigh in and get started on their new healthier lifestyle.

The numbers go to show just how aware the people of Wicklow Town and surrounding areas are of the need to get rid of the Celtic Tiger hangover and get back to living a healthier life. I didn't see or smell a smoker and we all seemed to be fairly sober too. Never saw so many "fit" people in a nightclub and hardly a bare bit of flesh in sight!

I'm going to miss the TV programme, but I'll pick it up on RTE Player. I'm going out to hockey training for an hour and a half. I haven't been to a session for several weeks, between Christmas New Year and a muscle pull all I've had is a few walks and a gentle jog. I wonder if I'll survive?

Looking forward to Saturday morning at ten to see what happens next. Social fitness, beats getting pissed in a pub for meeting people and you feel way better the next morning.

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